Vegan nail design products without animal testing
Our gels, varnishes and liquids are that, without animal suffering and without animal products!
We are also a vegetarian and animal-friendly brand. Here we explain what makes the difference between a vegetarian and vegan product and why our products are animal friendly.
Vegetarian nail design products are free of any animal ingredients that require an animal to be slaughtered. Vegetarian products can contain ingredients such as shellac or animal hair, which are of animal origin, but no animal has to die.
Vegan products do not contain any animal ingredients.
In more than 80% of countries, there are still no legal regulations that prohibit animal testing for cosmetic products and ingredients. In the European Union, it has been prohibited since 2013 to sell products that have previously been tested on animals. In order to ensure that our products meet these criteria, we proactively monitor our suppliers worldwide.